If you like cheesesteaks, you like Craig! This was the most delicious cheesesteak I have ever tasted, and luckily Brooke and I were staying at Nicki and Craig's so we could be there to enjoy it! Thanks again guys!
Lisa's famous crepes (well, mom's crepes but with Lisa's special touch; cocoa) are soooo delicious. Add nutella, strawberries, caramel, whipped cream, and yummy cream cheese spread, and you are in heaven! Funny thing is, the adults pigged out way more than the kiddies! But aren't they cute?
there is no doubt about it, harrisons like to eat, maybe as much as they like themselves and the clothes that they wear. and they definitely have an opinion about it. this blog is an attempt to capture that creative energy and force it into a tangible form.
anything goes here, as long as food is involved.
lance deserves an honorable mention. without him, this blog would never have been conceived.