Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We Love Tofu

We love tofu in our family. This is Harrison eating tofu.

This is Harrison when he has finished his tofu. He's sad.

I want to get a quick poll if anyone else in the family likes tofu? I have a few recipes I make with it that are delicious, but I'm only going to share them if there are any interested parties. And more importantly, I'd like to know if anyone has any delicious recipes involving tofu?

Quick reasons why it is so delicious:
1) Tofu never has fat, gristle, tendons, bones, bloody/stretchy veins or any other disgusting thing that can often be found when working with meat. It is a joy to work with raw tofu. Seriously, a joy.
2) You can't really go wrong with cooking tofu. It is never pink or raw on the inside and it always tastes delicious (as long as you've put it in a delicious sauce).
3) It is a nice change to the cooking repertoire, and it stays good in the fridge for a long time. No defrosting!!!
4) It is cheap. Maybe I should have led with this one.

I hope I've converted you to this tasty treat or at least reminded you of a food friend you may have been neglecting. Tofu. Now give me your recipes.


  1. i'm for tofu, but i have no recipes, I think i'll just ride your coat tails right on to this tofu train. and poor harrison, he is sad.

  2. what a teethy baby! I would love some tofu recipes, you should find a good one for that dish we had at the thai place, that tofu was delicious!

  3. Cheap you say? Of course I like it! I really do like it, and I had it like stir fried once and it was awesome, got any recipe like that? It was like almost crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, oh joy, I love frying things!

  4. DO I have to be the only one to say that tofu sucks! It tastes like nothing. (except of coarse the sauce you put it in and then I say- lets just have more sauce!)not to mention the texture is disgusting.

  5. tofu is great. let's be honest with ourselves-anything that captures the taste of whatever it's in and then multiplies the benefits? done and done.
