Sunday, November 1, 2009

Right behind my number one find at D.I., the infamous Burberry trenchcoat, comes the newest and cheapest addition to my food literature collection. Ruth Reichle's Gourmet Magazine's ultimate compendium. Coming in at an astonishing five dollars, I was pretty excited when I picked it up and realized there was no way this book has ever been used, maybe not even opened, I love D.I. A little different than the teaching basics and techniques of joy of ccoking and Mark Bittman's how to cook everything, this is just a collection from gourmet magazine which Ruth described, "Our goal was to give you a book with every recipe you would ever want." It's a little more advanced, maybe I'm in over my head, but over 1000 recipes for five bucks --I just couldn't pass it up. And, I love Ruth Reichle, read her books, you'll love food even more, but skip book number two, it's not really worth your time. Yeah, I haven't cooked anything out of it yet, I'm pretty busy, ok? But I'll try to keep you posted on my future endeavors...literally.


  1. The D.I. student has become the D.I. master, great find Lancer. Hope you post the best recipes here so we can all enjoy the gourmet goodness. Everyone knows that it is Tender at the Bone.

  2. You are AWESOME!! I checked it out of the library once, but three weeks is just not enough time for all those recipes, I realized. I find myself VERY jealous of your cookbook collection.
