Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Dinner!

I told Leah to be coy with the kale..

and Katie to be intense with the garlic

My roommate interns at a farm in Washington, and surprised the house with a whole passel of fresh, organic vegetables! So what did we do? we geared up and made a vegan stir fry complete with blue agave, rice noodles, and gluten-free soy sauce. It was delicious. There was one tiny mistake when a cucumber was mistaken for a zucchini, but it was quickly corrected by garnishing the dish, (and the zucchini was discovered and added to the fry).


  1. Not family dinner, if there is no family there.

  2. But your roommates are awesome.

  3. Looks delicious. I think garlic deserves intensity.

  4. You amateurs and your cucumber/zucchini mishaps! Looks good sister.
