Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shout Out To Mom

Thank you, thank you, Renee for starting this blog!! I know after Lance brought up the idea I tried to a couple of times, but I just couldn't get the name right. You picked the PERFECT name!!

So, just to get the ball rolling on additional contributors, I'd like to make a special request that Mom sign up and contribute to this blog.

First of all, she did introduce every single one of us to food (who can forget blood and guts, tuna on toast and linguine!!)

Second, the parents have given me a VERY weird taste preference (and I'd actually like to see if any other siblings are afflicted with this particular quirk). I love to eat food cold. Cold Chinese food in particular, but I like many many things cold that your average individual would find repulsive in a chilled state (or so Byron tells me). In my extensive analysis of the matter, I've decided that it is the result of years of eating Mom and Dad's leftovers after their dates. Please tell me I'm not alone. (As Tobias would say, "There are dozens of us!!" Thank you, Arrested Development)

But actually, I want mom to post a specific recipe. Her Sweet and Sour Chicken. I love how Renee's initial post defined cooking: "preparing good wholesome tasty varied meals for the ones you love." The Sweet and Sour Chicken is very simple, but Byron LOVES it. I'm not sure how wholesome it is (since he picks out all of the peppers and onions and leaves them on my plate) but it is an easy and delicious recipe and pretty much all you have to have on hand out of the ordinary is a can of pineapple. As an added bonus, I can assure you that if you have kids, they will love it (Since Byron tends towards favorite foods such as chicken fingers and grilled cheese sandwiches, he can be a pretty accurate indicator of what a young child might enjoy).

So thanks to Renee for starting the blog, thanks to mom for having such awesome kids and for the sweet and sour chicken recipe and thanks you all of you, who are going to give me delicious recipes and delightful anecdotes!!!


  1. kim, i'm with you. cold pizza, cold burgers. why waste forty-five seconds of your life with a microwave?

  2. I like cold leftovers too. The weird thing is that I don't feel like I have eaten dinner unless I eat something hot though. Cold food feels like lunch or snacks to me.
