Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July - Watermelon Lemonade

Byron and I started a new holiday tradition of spending our holiday morning making holiday themed treats!! We had such a fun time, and thanks to our friend's tablecloth, our picture is incredibly patriotic.

We decided that we are going to try a new summer recipe for our 4th of July celebrations, and for our inaugural choice, we went with Watermelon Lemonade.

I wish I had thought to take a picture of the watermelon, the two lemons and the bunch of mint before we started making it, because those are three of the four ingredients!
  • Just juice the two lemons (leave lemon rinds in), add a cup of mint leaves and 1/2 cup of brown sugar and pound with a wooden spoon until the mint is bruised and the sugar is dissolved.
  • Food process your seedless watermelon (about 9 lbs) and run through a fine sieve until you have about 8 cups of juice (we went with only 7 cups and it was plenty watermelony) and add the juice
  • Optional: Add one cup of vodka. We opted out of this one, so I can't vouch for it either way.

Sounds easy and delicious, right?

The truth is, de-rinding, cutting, processing and straining a watermelon is a little more work than you would first imagine. However, I thought is was delicious. More watermelon tasting than lemonade tasting, but that would be my preference anyway. And I think making the drink is at least as much fun as drinking it.

All told, it made for a delicious and refreshing holiday drink, perfect compliment for a BBQ.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds pretty refreshing, I like the mint, I have had that with watermelon before and it gives it a good zip zip zip.
